My Thoughts on the New Formats for Challenges
This is a copy of the response that I made concerning Dougs comments concerning the last two Challenge Formats... I will not presume to copy his comments here, but they are easy to find under his latest entry to the critique thread. I do realize that much effort has gone into the Challenge Formats thus far, and sincerely do appreciate all of that effort.
I think I may be with you somewhat with regard to this format, and the last...
While I really liked the idea of the Challenge Gallery It became cumbersome when needing to check each photo and the thread that followed. It meant that you could not relate to several different images at a time, and unless someone thought to place their photos together, in sequence, you lost their changes.
Though I think a gallery would work if the images showed as thumbnails with the comments running alongside, so that you could see if a new comment had been added to a particular thread or a change to the photo had been made... If so, then you could click on the thumbnail and follow the thread.
This method is becoming too cumbersome, as well... But again, I think it could work were we to star a new Comment & Critique thread for each challenge. As it is now, I find myself going over the threads over and over, as old challenges are still mixed in the newer, current, and the not yet to have happened challenges! Why not a new thread line for each challenge, period?
I don't know what the final solution will be... But I will say that I don't think we have hit on it yet.
I remain,
I think I may be with you somewhat with regard to this format, and the last...
While I really liked the idea of the Challenge Gallery It became cumbersome when needing to check each photo and the thread that followed. It meant that you could not relate to several different images at a time, and unless someone thought to place their photos together, in sequence, you lost their changes.
Though I think a gallery would work if the images showed as thumbnails with the comments running alongside, so that you could see if a new comment had been added to a particular thread or a change to the photo had been made... If so, then you could click on the thumbnail and follow the thread.
This method is becoming too cumbersome, as well... But again, I think it could work were we to star a new Comment & Critique thread for each challenge. As it is now, I find myself going over the threads over and over, as old challenges are still mixed in the newer, current, and the not yet to have happened challenges! Why not a new thread line for each challenge, period?
I don't know what the final solution will be... But I will say that I don't think we have hit on it yet.
I remain,
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
i'm not sure what you mean, ginette, isn't that what we did at the beginning, and everyone thought that the c&c thread became too ungainly, too long, too big?
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No, I don't think so...
As I look through the DGrin Challenge Forum, I see challenges all the was back into the teens... What I am suggesting is that a new Challenge Forum be started for each Challenge, and then, after perhaps 4-6 Challenges, if the group feels we need to save that many, purge the oldest, culling them completely from the site. What I see now seems to be cumbersome, having to scroll through several pages, weeding out older threads...
Then if each entrant just used one thread for all of their entries, this might begin to work even better, as then they would leave the * each time a new photo was added, and it awaited viewing...
Gotta run out to chapel, so will have to go into this more later, if you want...
Just some thoughts,
what we're doing now though is putting a * in front of each thread that requires comment & critique (some have forgotten to do it!)
titles should read: * challenge 21 - (photo title) by andy
this way, you only have to look for the asterisks. i only see photos on the first three pages, no big deal? for the current challenge.
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