Nikon D700 (2), SB600 (3), multiple lenses
All items in good condition and working order. Most in original box w/ all accessories. Free shipping with purchase over $100.
- 2x Nikon D700 ($480 ea.)
- 3x Nikon SB-600 speedlights ($100 ea.)
- 2x Nikon MBD-10 battery packs ($75 ea.)
- Nikon Lens, Series AF-D, 35-70 mm, f2.8 D auto focus ($150)
- Nikon lens Series E, 28 mm f2.8 E manual focus ($30)
- Nikon lens Series E, 70-120mm, f4.0 ($60)
- Nikon lens 28-80 ($40)
- Promaster 1.7x teleconverter for Nikon, Spectrum 7, 8-pin ($25)
- Soligor 2x teleconverter for Nikon Ai lens ($10)
- Miscellaneous: Nikon batteries, chargers, CF memory cards (inc. with purch. of related item)
- 2x Nikkormat film cameras, w/50 mm lens (FREE w/ any purch.)
PM me for questions/offers.
- 2x Nikon D700 ($480 ea.)
- 3x Nikon SB-600 speedlights ($100 ea.)
- 2x Nikon MBD-10 battery packs ($75 ea.)
- Nikon Lens, Series AF-D, 35-70 mm, f2.8 D auto focus ($150)
- Nikon lens Series E, 28 mm f2.8 E manual focus ($30)
- Nikon lens Series E, 70-120mm, f4.0 ($60)
- Nikon lens 28-80 ($40)
- Promaster 1.7x teleconverter for Nikon, Spectrum 7, 8-pin ($25)
- Soligor 2x teleconverter for Nikon Ai lens ($10)
- Miscellaneous: Nikon batteries, chargers, CF memory cards (inc. with purch. of related item)
- 2x Nikkormat film cameras, w/50 mm lens (FREE w/ any purch.)
PM me for questions/offers.
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