Hierarchy Problems
I'm changing my website, hiding some galleries and paring down others. I have some folders under "Galleries" that go right to the gallery within the folder when clicked and others that go through the folder and then the gallery. I want them all to go right to the gallery but for the life of me I can't seem to make it happen ... what do I need to do?
Any kind of problem like this it's best to draw a tree like in Organizer.
A visual is much easier to understand.
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Don't know what you mean by draw a tree here ...
This is what I have now:
I had two galleries under Black and White and now only have one ... if you mouse over Abstracts, for instance, it goes right to the gallery. If you mouse over Black and White it goes to another level and then the actual gallery ... I want it to behave like the Abstract Gallery and go straight to the photos ...
From your galleries page, Black and White and Abstracts both behave the same. It appears they both open a folder that contains only a single gallery. A second click is needed to open the gallery.
To open them immediately, have you tried a Folders, Galleries, and Pages content block? That allows you to mix galleries and folders.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
The /Galleries page is a folder. Abstracts and Black and White on that page/folder are also folders.
This is a tree.
/Galleries (folder}
........... /Abstractstoo (folder}
............................. /Abstracts (gallery}
........... /Black-and-White (folder}
............................. /Black-and-White (gallery}
This is how the left side of Organizer is set up.
Looks like you named the /Abstractstoo folder Abstracts
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It seems like rather than having a folder under Galleries a gallery in it, I need to just have galleries under the main folder "Galleries" ... it doesn't look like there is any easy way to do that without recreating the galleries without the folders ... if you delete a folder you delete the galleries in it ...
You can move galleries into a different folder in the organizer. Open the hierarchy so the gallery shows on the right side. Then drag it to a new folder in the folder structure showing on the left.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com