Pre Sale Digital File Packages

Kevin PaulKevin Paul Registered Users Posts: 66 Big grins

How would you do this?

I have an athletic event coming up. There are a large number of participants. Last year they had just over 600 of those participants order photo's/ digital files.

The one who is in charge of the event would like people to be able to prepay for their photo package and get a discount if they do. I am fine with that.

I am looking at selling a pre paid package of 5 digital downloads for $75, with the normal price being $125 if they order after.

Originally i thought I could presell them a print credit, but SM takes 15% off the total print price even if there was a credit so that would cost me $18.75 per client, leaving me only $56.25 of my original sale. Total cost through SM would be about $11,250.00 if I had the same sales as last year, or 25% of my gross. That is not really an option for me.

What I would like to do is for them to be able to go to my site, pre buy the discounted package without my intervention, and then later take that code for the package they bought and apply it in my shopping cart to download their files. But that is not an option.

How would you guys do this?

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