New Search For Photos box at top log in bar

The new "Search For Photos" on the customize bar at top works terrible on my site.
Shows breadcrumb on pages even if I have it removed.
Also my site and checked another site, it puts each breadcrumb item on new line.
Anyone that is interested this removes it.
.sm-page-header-search {display:none}
Smugmug just cranked in new changes today and I wonder what all they have screwed up.
Typical "no heads up" and it's up to us to see (or accidentally notice) if anything went wrong.
Third thing I've found.
The header bar changes are going to require some CSS work on my part to make the results less bold and boxy and more minimalist. Not sure what else changed. Nothing else grabbed me on a fast tour of my site.
Hi Allen,
Evan from SmugMug here. We did release some changes earlier aimed at improving the navigation experience, particular on mobile devices. The header bar itself also received some needed shoring up from a technical perspective. That said, the "Search for photos" box should be working as before. When a search term is entered, you should be directed to your search page (with all your customizations), displaying the photo results. Can you share some more details about how you got into the state you describe? I'm having trouble reproducing. I went to your site ( and did a couple searches, and I see your search page (with customizations) as expected. If you could let me know what device and/or browser you're using, the specific steps you took to run your search, any pertinent URLs, etc., that'd be great.
Hi Jim,
Aside from some updates to the navigation, no other changes were made. I did want to clarify that while the header bar has been made more bold while you are logged in, it should still take on your custom theme for your logged out viewers.
See the screen shot in post No.1. I tried "search" on a few different pages and galleries and also another site.
Most of the time the breadcrumb came with out one item per line. Screen shot was from another site not mine.
Using latest Firefox.
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Got it. The detail about searching from within a gallery helped. We'll take a look, thanks.
Must have been a glitch in the matrix. Take a look again, the breadcrumbs are back appearing on a single line.
The search box functionality itself is unchanged. When you enter a search term, the page it takes you to is the same page it always has been (/search)
I'll un-hide the box and try again.
Ok, I do not see it now. Even the site in my screen shot is okay now.
BTW, I logged off and can not find that top search box anywhere?
I do not show the top header and noticed you do not either.
Another BTW, it's been asked for many years to change Photorank to Newest on the search page.
Photorank means absolutely nothing.
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The search box lives in the top header, and if you are viewing a site that has elected to hide that header (like my own site), it will not be accessible for logged out viewers. The top header, however, is always available to you (with search box included) as the logged-in account owner. This is unchanged and how the header/search box functioned previously. For folks that choose to hide the header but want their viewers to be able to search their site, a custom menu item can be added (using the Menu content block), that links to the search page (and I see you have done this).
That's what I saw.
Let me just offer a gentle complaint though. I can't say I much like that in-your-face black header while logged in. Besides the aesthetics, which individuals will differ on, it does seem a loss that the logged-in view has been become considerably less reflective of the logged-out viewer experience. One really has to log out to check the user's feel of the site. I spent a part of last evening and this morning inserting custom CSS to calm the header back down, so I'm OK, but I'm not at all sure the latest change represents a wise overall design choice.