Hana Aerial Pano

Aloha all,
Today I'm sharing a shot of Hana town & Red Sand Beach. This secluded beach, at the base of the red-colored hill to the right of the scene, is often missed by most, as it's hidden on the edge of town, and requires a cliff-side hike of moderate difficulty. The beach is clothing optional, so I kept the drone at a distance, so as to respect the privacy of those who are there to unplug from the troubles of everyday silliness.
The little bungalows in the middle of the scene are part of a high-end luxury resort called Travasa. They refrain from installing televisions in the rooms, so as to motivate guests to go explore and experience all that east Maui has to offer.
The entire scene is backed by Haleakala, a 10,038ft dormant volcano, which formed the entire eastern half of the island. There are no flows today, but this one is not extinct...only dormant. The vent could re-open at any time, although unlikely, as we're adrift toward to the NW, away from the central core vent point (currently under the big island 50miles southeast).
I shot this using a Phantom 4 Advanced. The image you see is a multi-shot pano (22 shots in total), worked in Lightroom. Mahalo for viewing, I hope you enjoy our little paradise!
Lovely, JonaBeth.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Wow! Unreal!