Smugmug Google Indexing and hot linking Question

SFM_MT_2014SFM_MT_2014 Registered Users Posts: 8 Big grins
Hi Guys, I have a paid membership with Smugmug for a number of years, but I have only recently started trying to embed my images (uploaded to a Smugmug Gallery) onto my website (using GoDaddy's Webbuilder service)

My question is weather my Smugmug photos that are embedded onto my website be indexed in Google's Search algorithms and if they are weather they will show up as images from my website or from Smugmug? (For example if I hover over the image in Google Image search will it say my website or smugmug)

When I first created and published the web page that has my smugmug photos embedded I had the Web Searchable option under Security and Sharing set to No. I changed it to site-setting over the weekend. does this option have any bearing on photos being indexed by google?


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