Well, in an orgy of misplaced curiosity, I sought a real legal answer for this dispute. See http://www.lawguru.com/cgi/bbs/mesg.cgi?i=512130864 for my question and an answer. The common usage in the advertising industry is to run ads for a limited amount of time, particularly on web sites, though this is true of every advertising situation I know of, billboards and publications, for example.
Nevertheless, I don't want to have a disatisfied customer, even one who was as careless in his purchase as you were. You may have a refund, less paypal charges, or, if you like, I'll run your ad for another 24 hours. Here at, Ruttmugeon International, we value our image and our customers!
Well, in an orgy of misplaced curiosity, I sought a real legal answer for this dispute. See http://www.lawguru.com/cgi/bbs/mesg.cgi?i=512130864 for my question and an answer. The common usage in the advertising industry is to run ads for a limited amount of time, particularly on web sites, though this is true of every advertising situation I know of, billboards and publications, for example.
Nevertheless, I don't want to have a disatisfied customer, even one who was as careless in his purchase as you were. You may have a refund, less paypal charges, or, if you like, I'll run your ad for another 24 hours. Here at, Ruttmugeon International, we value our image and our customers!
I want a different ad to run. I'm thinking right now. Back shortly.
I will happily run your ad "Own3d by Andy", but first I require a release to avoid the kind of needless confusion our commercial relationship has suffered in the recent past. Please agree to the following:
Rutt will run my ad "Own3d by Andy" for 24 hours in full and final fulfillment of any obligation stemming from my payment to him of $5 on 20 January 2006. Notwithstanding the meaning of this phrase or its placement, I acknowledge that the space it occupies is owned by Rutt and that after said 24 hour period he may use it as he sees fit within.
Once I recieve your agreement, I'll run your ad and we can consider the matter settled.
I will happily run your ad "Own3d by Andy", but first I require a release to avoid the kind of needless confusion our commercial relationship has suffered in the recent past. Please agree to the following:
Rutt will run my ad "Own3d by Andy" for 24 hours in full and final fulfillment of any obligation stemming from my payment to him of $5 on 20 January 2006. Notwithstanding the meaning of this phrase or its placement, I acknowledge that the space it occupies is owned by Rutt and that after said 24 hour period he may use it as he sees fit within.
Once I recieve your agreement, I'll run your ad and we can consider the matter settled.
On completeness: are you sure that statement is in compliance with the end user license agreement we agreed upon when entering the site? Owned? Do as he sees fit? I still see some legal loopholes, where Andy the end user is bound to his current agreement, but where Andy the Smugmug-man can still have a case, depending on what will follow in that much discussed space after the 24th. I'm staying tuned. This is better than Court TV.
I am going to run your ad, but the final phrase of the aggrement is missing. Just for the sake of completeness, here is a corrected version with italics to show the change.
Rutt will run my ad "Own3d by Andy" for 24 hours in full and final fulfillment of any obligation stemming from my payment to him of $5 on 20 January 2006. Notwithstanding the meaning of this phrase or its placement, I acknowledge that the space it occupies is owned by Rutt and that after said 24 hour period he may use it as he sees fit within the customary rules and strictures of dgrin "custom user titles".
On completeness: are you sure that statement is in compliance with the end user license agreement we agreed upon when entering the site? Owned? Do as he sees fit? I still see some legal loopholes, where Andy the end user is bound to his current agreement, but where Andy the Smugmug-man can still have a case, depending on what will follow in that much discussed space after the 24th. I'm staying tuned. This is better than Court TV.
You are right. In the end, of course, Andy is an administrator of dgrin and can actually put whatever he wants there and for all I know prevent me from changing it. But I assume that he is a man of good will, values his reputation as such, and will abide by the spirit as well as the word of this agreement. So I think we can safely consider the matter closed.
Too bad, though, it was kind of fun. Especially that picture of the judge.
Andy, your ad is running and will run through 10:15 AM on 24 January 2006.
I did not recieve acceptance of the slight change in wording, but unless I hear from you soon, I'll assume that you agree with it. It doesn't change the meaning of the agreement, only makes it clearer and corrects that hanging "within" at the end of the final sentence.
Andy, your ad is running and will run through 10:15 AM on 24 January 2006.
I did not recieve acceptance of the slight change in wording, but unless I hear from you soon, I'll assume that you agree with it. It doesn't change the meaning of the agreement, only makes it clearer and corrects that hanging "within" at the end of the final sentence.
Rutt's "custom title" may contain paid messages which do not necessarily represent the views of Rutt himself. Rutt makes no endoresment of the factuality of such messages.
Rutt's "custom title" may contain paid messages which do not necessarily represent the views of Rutt himself. Rutt makes no endoresment of the factuality of such messages.
Now that's the greatest "Legal Term" I've ever heard!!!
MM Portfolio
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Legal advice is worth what you pay for it.
I think I've been thrown out of his courtroom before already!!:):
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Rutt you cheated me!
The Judge Sez: "You, Rutt - fined $5 for false advertising. Give the plaintiff his money back. Immediately."
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Nevertheless, I don't want to have a disatisfied customer, even one who was as careless in his purchase as you were. You may have a refund, less paypal charges, or, if you like, I'll run your ad for another 24 hours. Here at, Ruttmugeon International, we value our image and our customers!
I want a different ad to run. I'm thinking right now. Back shortly.
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0wn3d by Andy
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Once I recieve your agreement, I'll run your ad and we can consider the matter settled.
--Service with a smile
Agreed. Completeness counts, see?
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On completeness: are you sure that statement is in compliance with the end user license agreement we agreed upon when entering the site? Owned? Do as he sees fit? I still see some legal loopholes, where Andy the end user is bound to his current agreement, but where Andy the Smugmug-man can still have a case, depending on what will follow in that much discussed space after the 24th. I'm staying tuned. This is better than Court TV.
I am going to run your ad, but the final phrase of the aggrement is missing. Just for the sake of completeness, here is a corrected version with italics to show the change.
You are right. In the end, of course, Andy is an administrator of dgrin and can actually put whatever he wants there and for all I know prevent me from changing it. But I assume that he is a man of good will, values his reputation as such, and will abide by the spirit as well as the word of this agreement. So I think we can safely consider the matter closed.
Too bad, though, it was kind of fun. Especially that picture of the judge.
Not really a comeback, actually, but a real typo. Notice the hanging "within" in the first version.
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I did not recieve acceptance of the slight change in wording, but unless I hear from you soon, I'll assume that you agree with it. It doesn't change the meaning of the agreement, only makes it clearer and corrects that hanging "within" at the end of the final sentence.
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what a sad day.
But it was a great day for JUSTICE! Hmm now that I 0wn rutt, what should I make him do? Any ideas
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Stand on one foot, and sing "How much is that doggie in the window.."
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RGB is king!
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Oh man that's good. Rutt: Do it, thank you.
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Hey, while I'm on a roll, I think that Rutt should buy me a Crumpler Karachi Outpost. He can PM me for my address.
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He can handle that. Not a problem. Does anyone else need Rutt to buy them anything?
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I heard my NAME being called......................and I have the list ready!
Does that mean I don't get my bag?
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Try going into the custom title advertising business.
Hey, I may be greedy, but I'm not stupid!
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The Portable Curmudgeon
I was cleaning my bookshelves and I found my old copy of this. Great book.
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