Iao Valley

Aloha all,
As the weird Pacific Northwest type weather continues here on Maui, I keep finding myself open to the challenge of capturing some kind of magic. It's tough, because most Hawai'i imagery is all about lush green forest, sandy beaches, golden sunshine and clear blue water. Today's feature is a different story.
Iao Valley, located on the north shore of the island, is a place rich in both Hawaiian lore and confirmed history. In fact, when Kamehameha sailed and marched on Maui during his conquering of the islands, his army battled in Iao Valley. This is said to be the bloodiest of all the Hawaiian island battles, with fallen warriors stacked along and in the stream for as far as one could see from the cliff sides. It's claimed that the stream ran red for days after the battle.
This image is another multi image pano merge, shot on a DJI Phantom 4. Over 20 individual shots in total, worked entirely in Lightroom.
Mahalo for viewing, looking forward to your feedback!
And another with a top-down view
I love the perspective of the first shot. The green-covered mountains really give a sense of magesty leaving the road as a tiny incursion into the landscape.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Mahalo, Denise! Before a large flood that happened in 2016, the river was barely seen, as it was narrow and covered by heavy foliage. I imagine this same image would've felt quite different at that time, with the road being the only incursion into the green.
JBR I can't tell you how much I love that first shot!
All this time you talk about printing something big......and I try to dissuade you a bit.....if you really want to print something big.....go with first shot.
Also this place was close due to flooding when I visited......eitherway, without your bird, I probably don't even know if this view existed.....so thank you!
For second one....I suggest some post processing effort to make it more artistic.......
The flowing river compliments the road.....so the goal should be to bring it out more.....so make it tad brighter and darken the pebbles a lot to make it jump out.......and also darken the green towards the bottom some more.....
Just what I thought.....ofcourse it your wishes that count most.
Mahalo Taz! I think I'll print that first shot big
For the second shot, I took your advice and love it a lot more. Check it out!
Terrific shots!
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Great shots! Really loving the first. Hoping the weather at the end of next week is going to be good. Ill be on the island for work, and some family time.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Next week should be pretty legit, weather-wise. A little sun, a little rain, some warm trades, and warm currents mixing in with the cold water. Gonna be a fun week for you! Hit me up if you get some free time
Mahalo for taking the time to view & comment! Always a pleasure to share these shots of our crazy awesome planet with one another.