Facebook for comments
With the popularity of the #deletefacebook movement, has smugmug considered dropping the login requirement for comments? Also, any chance for improvements to commenting with mobile devices? My photos don't get comments anymore. Anonymous and mobile comments would be very welcome (returning) features.
Hi Pilotdave!
We are always looking for ways to improve SmugMug for our users so we appreciate that you took the time to give us your input about the way photo commenting is done on SmugMug.
Your feedback is important to us!
Please feel free to leave this as a feature request in our feedback forum: http://smugmug.uservoice.com/forums/17723-smugmug
Many new features have come from this forum!
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Hero
Every since they went to this "logon" crap comments have stopped dead.
Anonymous comments should be allowed. Turn them off by default and let the site owner make the decision of turning them on.
Otherwise this is basically the lawyers covering Smug 's ass.
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That feature request has been around since the day you implemented the login requirement: http://feedback.smugmug.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/4262376-comments-remove-smugmug-facebook-log-in-require.
Hi Pilotdave,
Please also send this as an email to Help@SmugMug.com so that I can forward your request to the appropriate folks here at SmugMug.
Thank you!
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Hero
Goodness, the appropriate folks have known about this for years, as Al & Pilot have noted. There have been countless discussions about this with the appropriate people, & many pleadings from the SmugMug community to just allow us to have comments set to "on" if we want them. It's so frustrating to those of us who used to see & enjoy comments, & who haven't had a comment in eons because of the silly log-in requirement. SmugMug has catered to some small minority on this, when it could easily be fixed exactly the way Al states. The galleries where I really miss it most & where it's causing me to miss out on info/data/ I.Ds. I need, is in my Vintage Family Photos galleries. I want & need comments there from people who know about the ancestors in these photos, before they too are gone. I used to receive lots of great interaction in those galleries, but no longer. My whole family misses out on this, since no one else in the family has these photos accessible online.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I never understood the need for login, given that there used to be the option to approve comments before they were published. Or you could turn them off altogether if you were getting a high volume of spam or nastiness. I haven't gotten a comment in years.
All my family photos are in galleries with passwords. Why in the world would they need to log in if they have already had to enter a password, "my password", to comment? This makes absolute no sense.
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This! Smugmug has been dragging their feet on this issue, and it is an issue given the numbers wanting no log-in commenting, for so very long it is amazing it hasn't been fixed ages ago. What does it take to turn this around?
Also agree with the opt in or out and comment previews (for all public galleries) like we once had. All my gallery comments are turned on and absolutely no comments in years, despite everyone I know all having gmail. Nobody wants to go through that.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Oh my gosh, I really wish they'd STOP telling us to 'mention it in the Feature Request', since they've known for YEARS over there and on this board, how so many of us feel about the subject.
Everything they need to know, and the offered solutions, have already been said to them repeatedly. It's not even just griping. Solutions or options were provided which could satisfy everyone.
Seriously, I'd rather them just flat out tell us they they have NO intention of changing it, instead of leading us on about whether there's even any hope.
Not even offering the workarounds mentioned, clearly shows that they do not care. If they really care, they'd have to prove it to me.
I had to tell people that it was not me who came up with the 'log in with Facebook' idea (since they know I can't stand having FB having anything to do with my site). Embarrassing.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser