Domain forwarding change probs

I tried changing my go daddy linked domain name from '' to '' (yes I'm nuts!) but can't make it work.
I followed the instructions on smug mug and on go daddy but when clicking on the link in my smug mug settings to use go daddy connect , nothing happens, looks like the link is dead
Please advise?
any chance of getting a hand with this please?
OK managed to work out that it was the pop up blocker that was stopping it !
So I changed the domain I wanted it forwarding- it and it seemed to have worked- I saved and exited - but now I can't access my site at all just getting this message below
( "")
Now I cannot access my site at all
AHA! so now safari seems to work! hurrah -
But when I clicked the retest status to double check it hangs............just stuck on 'testing'....
Perhaps you should contact the SmugMug help desk and not the forum.
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Hey Simon,
I'm sending you a quick email from the help desk just to go over this directly
Keep an eye out for it in your inbox.
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks Guys -sorry I thought the forum was the place
Anyhoo-looks like its sorted now
What threw me at thee a=start was that I didn't realise the go daddy link wouldn't work unless I allowed pop ups as the blocker was what was stopping it- only found out when I tried Firefox instead to see if it was a safari specific prob, Firefox at least notified me that the pop up blocker wa stopping something whereas safari didn't give me that clue