Changed menu pinning?

Has anyone else noticed a change in pinned menu behavior today? When I am logged on as owner, my menu is pinned but there is a space between it and the top of the browser window. It used to pin at the very top, which is what I want.
At login:
After scrolling:
Fortunately this is only happening in the owner view; in the visitor view it is still correctly pinned at the top. I'm guessing that some change in the SM header is responsible, but I'm not sure how to fix it without breaking the visitor view.
I see it on my site in both owner view and visitor view. I think it started a couple of days ago.
I think the previous behavior is the preferred behavior - it looks sloppy now.
I'd love a fix, preferably a change back by smug, but CSS would be OK.
Musings & ramblings at
I hate the way it looks.
Yes, I have it too an all four of my sites.
I looked at your site and the visitor view doesn't seem to have the problem. So are you seeing it only in the owner view (like me)? Denise's visitor view does have the problem.
Sorry, just logged in view for me. I misread Denise's comment.
I've looked into the code on my homepage -
The menu bar when viewing the top of the page is showing as:
<div class="sm-page-layout-region sm-page-layout-region-header" style="width: inherit; min-height: 0px;">
Then if I scroll down just enough for the menu bar to go off the screen it reappears and the code changes to:
<div class="sm-page-layout-region sm-page-layout-region-header sm-page-layout-region-pinned" style="width: 2094px; min-height: 0px;">
It appears to be a change to how Pinning works when logged in that is causing it.
If you go to Customize\Content & Design\ Entire Site\Layout\Pinning" and select "None" the problem should go away.
I have my sites set to pin the header.
But I want the menu pinned. Setting it to none just causes the menu to scroll off the top.
Yes, I know. I want the same thing.
I was just pointing out what it was that is causing the issue and demonstrating it.
I wish I knew what is causing my site to misbehave both when logged in and logged out.
My header includes 2 elements with slightly different spacing from the top. But even when I change the spacing to match I still see odd behavior.
Musings & ramblings at
I think I know what is causing it - but I don't know how to fix it.
SmugMug uses a
div-attribute which causes the menu to be pinned.The menu line is defined in a
<div class="sm-page-layout-region sm-page-layout-region-header" style="width: inherit; min-height: 0px;">
But the white area above your menu is defined earlier in another div:
<div id="sm-page-header"><!-- react-empty: 1 --></div>
It is the later div that is not reacting on the
.I suppose someone from SmugMug needs to have a look at the code that is evaluating the data-pinned-region attribute. I don't think – at least I haven't found it yet – there is a way to fix this by CSS.
@leftquark could you inform one of the developers of this misbehavior? data-pinned-region="Left" seems to work fine though.
Thanks Lille. I had reported this problem to the SM help desk before creating this thread. As of yesterday, it sounds like they have classified this as a bug and have referred it to engineering for investigation. Hopefully your findings will point them in the right direction.
Working with SmugHero Tom this morning, we found that the client view of my site also has the wonky behavior in Chrome on OS-X and Win10, but it behaves correctly on my Win7 machine.
Curiouser and curiouser...
Yep, we are looking into this issue.
It happens for me in Firefox, Edge, and Chrome, all on Windows 10.
Musings & ramblings at
I checked yesterday on Mac High Sierra with Safari, Firefox, Chrome & Opera.

I don't believe this is OS or browser related though...but better one more check than missing out on that connection
@Richard you are welcome – if I can I will help out
Thanks, Lille. I tend to agree that it's not just a browser or OS issue. There seem to be minor differences between Chrome on Win7 and Win10, but it's flawed on both. Thinking about it, it might have something to do with different screen resolutions--my machine is 1920x1080, which is smaller than many newer displays. Dunno.
I don't think it's depending on screen sizes either, because it is that sm-page-header-div that is not reacting to the data-pinned-region="Header". You will always have that div, no matter what your screen size is, it might only be smaller on smaller screens than on larger ones.
But I bet @tomnovy and the other SmugMug heroes will soon find a solution
Any chance of getting a status (or a fix!) on this?
Musings & ramblings at

Any progress? It's been a month since I first reported this...
Looks like it has been fixed.
Musings & ramblings at