Most excellent and dramatic night shots. I like the touch of sky remaining in the first. Is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building completely surrounded by water, or is it just those two sides?
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
The first one is already really good, but the second shot is absolutely stunning.
I always had a hint of Brasilia being full of modern architecture, given that it was built as a completely "artifical" city, but I had never ever expected such an unusual cathedral.
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
Thanks for the comments. Brasilia is an interesting and strange place, built from scratch in the fifties it was an experiment in urbanism and planning. Some of the architecture is still stunning, some dated. The Cathedral is supposed to represent a crown of thorns.
Most excellent and dramatic night shots. I like the touch of sky remaining in the first. Is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building completely surrounded by water, or is it just those two sides?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
The first one is already really good, but the second shot is absolutely stunning.
I always had a hint of Brasilia being full of modern architecture, given that it was built as a completely "artifical" city, but I had never ever expected such an unusual cathedral.
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
My SmugMug site -
Thanks for the comments. Brasilia is an interesting and strange place, built from scratch in the fifties it was an experiment in urbanism and planning. Some of the architecture is still stunning, some dated. The Cathedral is supposed to represent a crown of thorns.
Nice ... very appropriate light star for the subject...
Second shot is a wow!
Thanks guys!
2 for me too!
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks Kdog
No 2 is stunning, Cristóbal.
Thanks Will.