Mini Challenge #266 - 80%+ sky
This is a quick post as I realise some people are still working and do their snapping at weekends + some / many people are in time zones behind gmt.
Imagine a horizontal line drawn across the frame 20% (of frame height)up from the bottom ... Nothing attached to the earth's surface should protrude above this - whether it's natural (eg mountains, trees, people, animals etc) or human made (wind turbines / buildings / telecoms towers etc)
No pics from aircraft - unless they have all their wheels on the ground.
No aircraft in frame either - this is about the sky - not the junk that we make, flying around in it.
No pics of 'only' sky - ie pointing cam skywards and clicking - there's got be a smidge of earth's surface - just no more than 20% of frame - can be less, btw.
Any time of day or night is fine
I'll edit this later with o ne of my ex, but to give you an idea ... imagine this guy's 'Northern lights' shot (currently 3rd pic in his photostream) to have some of its lower bit lopped off, so's none of the buildings etc protrude above the 20% line.
(to repeat, I'll edit this later, but it's decent weather here atm and I've got stuff to do ... and thx for choosing my pic, btw Pieter.)
Basically, I'm looking for pics where the sky is the main subject, hence the 20% 'rule - and as such, there should be something going on in the sky that makes you want to take a pic of it, rather than what's in the foreground, or even on the horizon.
Since I rarely take landscape pics I've not got many examples to hand to include here - but I thought many other (likely) participants would have. I was intending to use a pic from my 'birds, sunset, turbines' series - with lower bit cropped off for this mini - but since the first 4 pics posted already nicely illustrate the gig, I'm not going to bother now
(there's one example on my flickr page btw if anyone's that curious)
All the usual stuff associated with MCs ... and it'll close 1900hrs GMT Mon 28th May.
Wow! That was quick work getting the next challenge up and running! (Congratulations on winning the previous mini with your great shot!)
My SmugMug Galleries
Thanks Paul, I appreciate you starting this fast, I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow so this gives me a chance to enter before I depart.
Great and original challenge btw.
I hope these entries are what you had in mind.
1: Northern light:

2: Every golden cloud has a silver lining

3: Wind farming

My SmugMug
When you say - no photos from airplanes, would you prohibit a photo from an aircraft which is sitting on the ground like this one? The bottom of the photo is reflection in the aircraft wing of the sky. OK Here is

1) Leaving Sydney
2) Sailing to the Sun (channel markers going west)

1 One morning over St. Kitts

2 Sunrise in St. Maarten

3 Key Largo Sunset

Pieter - thx for starting things off ... and yes, they're the sort of pic I had in mind.
grandmaR - your pic's fine for this challenge - it's just aerial pics I don't want - including ones taken from drones, btw.
JAG - whilst both your first and third pics could be made / cropped to fit the remit - as posted now, they both need attention ... trees left and right of frame in 1 and ...whilst I've not measured it, I doubt that the top of the guy's head (in 3) is on or below a 20% line
Great challenge! I am sharing a couple of photos (but please don't consider for judging). Thanks.
1) Late Afternoon Sky (Mexico)

2) Sunset on Marco Island (Florida, USA)

My SmugMug Galleries


Light is everything in life and photography.
Thx for the entries upto now, folks.
//there's got be a smidge of earth's surface - just no more than 20% of frame - can be less, btw. //
... would not only be a better pic in overall terms -but would result in the pic fitting this remit better.
I'm adding this as a reminder ... the 20% line governs the maximum height / position of pic elements up the frame ...they can be way lower than this line ... just as long as there's something (of the earth's surface) There's at least one pic already posted that - imo - could still have a bit lopped off the bottom - and again , imo
Here are my entries:
1) Lenticular cloud over Tioga

2) Mariposa Sunrise

3) Grand Canyon rainstorm

Book 2:
I'm enjoying this challenge Paul. I love the specificity of it. Here are my three.
1) Cows grazing under the burgundian heavens

2) A study in pastels (sunset over Lake Garda, Italy)

3) Beautiful end to an evening picnic (Lake Mandicho, Augsburg, Germany)

Great theme! And lots of great shots! 3 from me:
Somewhere over Idaho

Rainbow under the storm

Kansas Sunset

A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
This is a great idea!
The Rim of My World.

Flight (Central California)
Interesting Theme! Here are 3 from me:
Power poles

Guanabara Bay

Amazon Sunset
MC now closed, results by close of play tomorrow - hopefully