What is the best/quickest way to upload three folders with 17,000 images in each folder?
Greetings! I have been a smugmug member for years!
I am starting a new account for a new project, and I would like to upload three folders with around 17,000 photographs in each folder.
What is the best and quickest way to do this?
I am using Widows 10 and also Linux Mint on different computers.
Thank you!
P.S. I see there is a 5,000 file limit per gallery?
Suppose I create a new folder in the smugmug organizer named FOLDER1, and I then drag a folder with 17,000 images from my computer into the FOLDER1. Will it upload all 17,000 images? What will it do? What is the best way to make sure all the images are uploaded?
I am starting a new account for a new project, and I would like to upload three folders with around 17,000 photographs in each folder.
What is the best and quickest way to do this?
I am using Widows 10 and also Linux Mint on different computers.
Thank you!
P.S. I see there is a 5,000 file limit per gallery?
Suppose I create a new folder in the smugmug organizer named FOLDER1, and I then drag a folder with 17,000 images from my computer into the FOLDER1. Will it upload all 17,000 images? What will it do? What is the best way to make sure all the images are uploaded?
You will have at least two factors affecting your upload - the upload capacity (speed) from your computer, and the time it takes smugmug to process an upload that large. I would also be concerned about identifying photos that failed to load and determining how the failures can be fixed. Errors on upload can be seen in Account Settings... Stats... Upload log.
If it were me, I would split the photos into somewhat manageable chunks, then start uploading. I would not submit all 17,000 at once because I can't imagine how I would manage to confirm that all uploaded.
<<<<< Hopefully someone from SmugMug will add some thoughts here as well. >>>>>
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Sorry, I meant to reply to this post sooner.
The best way is to take advantage of our "Folder Uploading" feature. Go into the Organizer and create a folder to contain all of these photos. Choose "Upload" while in that folder and then drag the folders into the window. They should start uploading and we'll re-create the folder structure as it was on your computer.
Galleries can only contain 5,000 photos, and the folder upload will automatically create second, third, and 4th galleries as they overflow. You won't be able to have all 17k in each folder but you'll get them all uploaded.
On your computer, if they're organized in sub-folders inside those 3 folders, then we'll mimic the folder structure and things shouldn't overflow unless they go over 5,000 images in a gallery.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
If you happen to be a lightroom user, and anticipate every modifying and/or adding to these, letting lightroom publish them is a decent alternative as well. It may not be as fast (or it may) but it will then keep things sync'd, noticing if you change any image, remove/add, etc. and update accordingly.
If you don't use lightroom, please ignore this post.