NYC, dawn

I've spent some time there the last week or so and I guess I'll be spending some ore time there over the next week or so. The reason isn't a happy one, but it does provide apportunity to take some insteresting shots. NYC is really an amazing looking place. I took my daughter out to a play on Saturday night, and didn't bring my camera. Boy did I regret that as we walked west in 50s as the sun went down!
Anyway, here are some shots from a time when I did have it:

Anyway, here are some shots from a time when I did have it:

If not now, when?
Funny there were no replies here.
I enjoyed the brief visit to NYC. I liked the last one the best.
Thanks for sharing.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I remembered these, especially the one with Blueberry's Deli. I guess I was waiting for someone else to respond.............and no one did???
ginger (very moving, don't know why. Maybe the circumstances came through the photographs)
I grew up in the City. I haven't been there for years, and I miss it desperately. Your pictures took me back home. Thanks.
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
These pictures were taken on those dawn coffee raids. Perhaps their power is all too personal, but they mean a lot to me. Ginger has emailed me about them before. I'm glad someone else noticed them.