API v2 - setting no (or very large) limit on returned images from alubumimages endpoint
I am just implementing the api v2 implementation of !albumimages to get a list of all images in a specified album. I v1.2 I used images.get to get the list. But in v2.0, there seems to be a limit to the number of returned items (100 I think) which was not present previously.
I don't see any info on this limit in the documentation, but would you know if this limit a hard limit but can be overridden by some option/parameter? If this is not possible, could anyone suggest a workaround (language: php)?
Thanks for the help!
Maybe paging is required? https://api.smugmug.com/api/v2/doc/tutorial/paging.html
Thanks Jeffrey!
That helped a lot - by adding a param of count=10000, I was able to make the api call display all my images!