SmugInForAperture widget has stopped working... blocked maybe?

Yes, I realize that I may be the only person left using Aperture and that all support for the widget has vanished, but I'm in my 70's, on a short fuse, and don't want to invest the time and energy learning a new app and workflow. SmugInForAperture has been a great uploader with more flexibility and configuration possibilities than Smugmug's home-grown alternative. It was still working perfectly a few days ago, but now, even though it shows that I am connected to my SmugMug account, I get "SmugMug request to get galleries failed" error message when I try to upload images. Is it possible that the widget is being blocked by some API change? Anyone else still using it successfully?
The plugin doesn't work but you can maneuver through our uploader to Aperture. Here are the steps:
Open the SmugMug uploader, click on the ‘Computer’ icon, here: screenshot:
Go to the ‘Media’ section, click on ‘Photos’, and then click on the triangle next to ‘Aperture’ to expand it, here: screenshot:
Select photos and click on the ‘Open’ button to upload.
Give that a try.
Hi Hero Jackie,
Thanks for your suggestion, although I was already aware of that route... just very tedious and time consuming compared to working from within Aperture directly with the plugin. I may just resort to drag & drop into the uploader. But I'm still curious as to why SmugInForAperture suddenly stopped working!
Hi Ian,
The old plugin used an old version of the API that has been switched off. The plugin developers will have to update the plugin to use our newer API with improved security; though since Aperture is long dead I wouldn’t expect an update.
I know change is hard but if you do get the energy to give Lightroom a try, you’ll find we have an amazing plugin that’s officially supported and maintained by us.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks leftquark, it's as I suspected. I may just have to make a switch. Hear what you say about LR and the SM plugin. I see that SM also has some kind of friendly relationship with MacPhun, and that Luminar has a built in uploader, so I should trial that too assuming it works with your latest API.
We do love MacPhun/Luminar and I may be biased because I'm a longtime Lightroom user, but I do want to mention that the only official plugin is the one for Lightroom. While we try to work with our API developers like MacPhun, it's possible they may stop supporting SmugMug in the future. If you want the most future-proof solution, it'd be to use one that we maintain ourselves, which is for Lightroom. With that said, I've heard photographers loving Luminar lately.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Just to say that I downloaded the Luminar free trial and found that while I could validate my SM account and even see my galleries, I could not get an image file to upload. So I'm guessing they are also not up-to-date with your latest API. There's no doubt that the SM plugin for LR is the closest thing yet that I've seen compared to what I was using within Aperture... I may just have to bite the bullet!