Visit to Highdown gardens Worthing

in Holy Macro
All natural light shots using a Sony A6000 / Sigma 105 OS. Some shots have been focus stacked using zerene
Handheld manual focus.
Brian V.
Speckled bush cricket nymph
Common lizard
Hoverfly Xylota segnis
Female thick legged flower beetle in iminent danger
A well tanned female thick legged flower beetle
Nursery web spider in nursery web with egg case
Hoverfly Rhingia campestris
Female stag beetle
Wow! These are amazing. I tend to focus on the flowers but some of these bugs are very interesting.
My favorites of the set are that Speckled bush cricket nymph and the well tanned female thick legged flower beetle.
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks for looking and commenting Denise. - I do take photos of the flowers too but find bugs more interesting
Brian v.