Definitely, Rutt. The man and NO train makes the shot, IMO.
g who no longer has a working camera: I keep thinking why?
However, I really like your man in train station, thought about the shot when we were running errands in our dreary weather. Figured a yellow train station would help. Now that I see it differently, I would have needed the lone (ly) man, too.
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me
That rail sure does look bent, but it must be for a reason, changing tracks?
Anyway, I do love that shot. How is the resolution on it. Can it be made large?
It was 10:30 am but while the remains of Francis were coming trhough.
And this:
g who no longer has a working camera: I keep thinking why?
However, I really like your man in train station, thought about the shot when we were running errands in our dreary weather. Figured a yellow train station would help. Now that I see it differently, I would have needed the lone (ly) man, too.