
Let's recruit another Dgrinner - Surf Shots Advice



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    AmigoAmigo Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited July 20, 2010
    Hi Andy,I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the advice on the EV metering.

    This is my first post here at DG. I was skeptical at first as I use spot metering quite often.
    I tried your advice and definately feel that the EV metering is a great option!
    Thanks Andy!!!
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2010
    Amigo wrote: »
    Hi Andy,I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the advice on the EV metering.

    This is my first post here at DG. I was skeptical at first as I use spot metering quite often.
    I tried your advice and definately feel that the EV metering is a great option!
    Thanks Andy!!!

    Woop! clap.gif
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    ASkipASkip Registered Users Posts: 224 Major grins
    edited July 20, 2010
    I take surf pictures most days, just for fun and practice. Since I'm Nikon, I don't know what the camera settings should be for Canon. But here's what I do when trying to take pictures of longboarders moving slowly in bright sun but far away.
    I set the aperture to f8 or more. Because it seems hard for my camera at least, (D700) to focus on a small vertical person far away, sometimes it sees the crinkly waves in the background. I figure with a bigger depth of field, there's a better chance at catching the person.
    and for longboards, where there's little spray, I don't underexpose the pictures. There's not a lot of white to blow out your picture and the person is more important. For shortboards throwing buckets, underexposing is good, you want to see the spray.
    and, I don't normally do this except when it's really contrasty, I use the active D-Lighting on the Nikon. Maybe Canon has an equivalent. just a little bit. I imagine if you want to sell pictures to people who are learning to surf, they probably want to know it's them, so it removes some of the contrast.
    Though really, since you have an underwater camera, you should just go sit on one of those big boards and take the pictures from the water. heh.
    Have fun practicing... wish I had a good excuse to sit on the beach in Maui...
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