"Replace" not working?

I'm attempting to replace an image on one of my galleries but the new image hasn't appeared after more than an hour. Updates are usually immediate, but on rare occasions can take a minute or two. However today it's not happening at all. SmugMug reports all systems are fully operational without incident. Is anyone else noticing this problem?
Nobody? Just me?
I did have this a couple of days ago when it took over an hour. I am loading my first images of the day and will let you know how it goes.
Kayso I just loaded a random image and it showed up on my "About" page in less than 2 minutes, which is pretty good for me.
Sometimes caching in the cloud delays replace. Don't know whether this would explain it.
"It looks like we may have a site issue going on. I will get this reported to the engineers." - Support Hero
"The engineers have fixed the issue. You should be able to replace your images now." - Support Hero
I'd be surprised if I was the only user affected, but at least it was confirmed to be a problem and it should now be fixed.