Night coming on, bridge, harbor

On the Old Pitt Street bridge, stopped last night, chatted with a couple of photographers and took these photos.
On the first one, oh, I did want her photo! I had the wide on, at 38mm, 800 ISO, f5.6, 1/400
I could literally stand in one place and take these two photos. This one first, looking to my left out the harbor.

I had switched to the 70-200, put this on a post, or not (sometimes), 1/30, 84mm, same everything else.
I just looked to my right...........
Same place: "look to my left, look to my right". Not a bad place to live, smile. And I had good company in meeting another photographer who kept telling me I should have brought a tri pod, smile. Familiar words? With a fever et al, well I did not plan to shoot........a very nice man, goes to my church!
Wanted to share!
On the first one, oh, I did want her photo! I had the wide on, at 38mm, 800 ISO, f5.6, 1/400
I could literally stand in one place and take these two photos. This one first, looking to my left out the harbor.

I had switched to the 70-200, put this on a post, or not (sometimes), 1/30, 84mm, same everything else.
I just looked to my right...........
Same place: "look to my left, look to my right". Not a bad place to live, smile. And I had good company in meeting another photographer who kept telling me I should have brought a tri pod, smile. Familiar words? With a fever et al, well I did not plan to shoot........a very nice man, goes to my church!
Wanted to share!
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
Pretty soon they are going to have to "address" the part of the old bridge that is in the main shipping lane. After something like 48 hrs, they will be fined for every minute they don't have that lane clear.
And I think those will be the "big booms". I have not wanted to mess with what I imagine are hoards of people coming to see the explosions!
I might go to one before it is over. After all, I could always go into the marsh and the pluff mud to watch, smile.
(Just shoes and camera gear, what the heck)
Oh, that speck is a helicopter above the bridge, just don't want to clone it out.
I never get tired of looking at this bridge
Thanks Ginger another good one
I love the silhouetted Pict that is to the left. Of course that might be because politically I lean to the left.
I don't have a favorite, except maybe the girl in the Look To Your Left, as she was a fleeting thing. The bridge will be there.
I did not have the nerve to disturb her, so I walked all around her with the wide angle taking photos. She never seemed to notice. I think she makes that evening harbor view special. (Full frame, both of them)
This very night, and those photos are what makes me think I might need a faster 70-200L lens, also. I was using it on the bridge shot. I don't need it much, except when I do. And I think it might be needed even more if it were faster.
I was surprised the I actually captured the bridge. I am very fond of it, too.
So, thank you so much everyone,