Smugmug Privacy/Cookie Policy Banner is HUGE

First time seeing this Privacy banner pop-up when visiting my site. Is this now the norm for all visitors?
Don't have any issue with it as I know these types of banners are pretty standard fair on websites, but does it have to be so BIG? This takes up the third of my screen!
We wanted to make sure to comply with the new EU requirements but we are working on tweaking the size and copy (for those of you with Custom Domains, we'll want to make it less about SmugMug and more about your site, which uses SmugMug).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Is there a way for us to fiddle with the size in CSS while we wait for a resolution?
For those of you who want to reduce the size of the banner you can use the folloiwng code:
The current value is 25vh which is why it is so tall.
For those of you who wish to hide it altogether this is the code:
For some reason, when you go into "Customise" your site the banner reappears so it appears to ignore it on the admin pages.
Great tip Marc, thanks for the code!
Tested it through incognito mode and VPN into an EU country, seems a lot smaller now.
Now I'm wondering if there is a way to make it stick to the footer of a page rather than the header till people click to dismiss it. For those of us using horizontal menus for our pages, the banner covers up things like our logo and menu links. I'm just hoping people don't visit the site, fail to click the X to close the banner and then get frustrated because they can't see any navigation links.
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@Shinrya try this
That worked a treat! Thanks Marc
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This will adjust the background colour for anybody who wants it. (replacing the colour code with the one you want to use)
You're just the gift that keeps on giving aren't you Marc
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Hi Marc! Could you explain how to complete the EU cookie banner? It says:
Privacy and Cookie policy.
This site uses cookies to make sure visitors have the best experience possible. By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies described in our .
I suppose after "our" there should be the link to my privacy policy page (which I have). But where can I tell where is it? On admin panel i couldn't find anything to set. In that case is there a way tu customise it?
Many thank for every reply
That's one for @leftquark @Donlivix . It looks like something has hidden your privacy policy link from the banner.
Link to your site?
You have the following CSS to hide links from your cookie banner.
.sm-eu-cookie-message a { display: None; }
That is hiding the "Cookie Policy" link from the end of the text
Removed. Thanks a lot Marc!
@Donlivix , Something like this should allow you to replace the link with your own (by swapping the xxxx string.
I asked many times something like this but I've never got a solution like yours. What can I say? Thanks again Marc!
Hey Guys. I have made the box little bit more appealing on my website - let me know if you like it - I will write up a tutorial on how to apply it to your site.
Much better, I'm waiting for the tutorial!
Thank's for your job :-)
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Hey Tom, I was trying to have a bit of a tinker with the EU banner code again today. I saw the customized banner you have on your site which looks loads better.
Any chance you would be able to share some tips on how to achieve a similar look?
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You can get rid of it using this: { display: none !important; bottom: unset !important; }
Thanks for sharing your codes.
I can only assume that recent updates to the platform don't allow this code to take effect as having tried the codes you've kindly shared, I see no changes to the privacy and cookies pop up on my site.
I have written to Smugmug twice over the last 6 ( maybe more ) years to ask why the window has to cover so much space. A good 50% of the page on a phone screen!
It's crazy how some seemingly simple things are ignored.
* Hides Cookie Pop-up
.sm-user-ui .sm-cookie-consent {
visibility: hidden;