Some wildlife images from Jan 2017
in Wildlife
I've got a rather big backlog of photos yet to process. Over the weekend, I processed some from Jan 2017. Here are the highlights for your critique...
This big guy, popularly called Torn Ears, had just finished his water drinking session when the safari jeep spied him on the banks. Once he was done, he started to head back into the jungle and was trying to figure out the best way to keep as far away from us as possible. The light was just right for the water to provide a nice backdrop.
Here he is keeping a very vary eye on us lot.
This final one is when he looked directly at us. Looks pretty mean and menacing, don't you think?
Sweet! The ratio of negative space to image can improve, also background brightness with respect to main subject can be enhanced to make it jump out more, also some distracting elements in background can be cropped out. Cheers
I have been impressed with how often images out of the camera have the background brighter than the subject, which if adjusted in editing with a simple curve for the background, can really improve the image for the viewer's eye. This is often true with birds in flight that are frequently in shadow against a brighter sky.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin