A Step Past Photography... C&C

Context: A few years ago I shot the Clover Dairy in Sonoma California
I was hoping to get a high contrast white bldg among green rolling hills... Nah...
Just a corrugated steel painted in the 50's cluster of bldgs and rolling brown hills
A couple of years ago we had the wind whipped "valley" fire that burned whole communities and the Clover Dairy...
This is my abstract of the event... what do you think?
BTW... I went back after the fire to shoot partially burned bldgs; but the site was leveled...
Nice work, Rags. I thought "fire" before reading your text.
Hi Rags,
I also thought "fire" before I read your comments... and although I do quite like the abstract I'm not sure I see the connection to Clover Dairy. Maybe you needed to see the original. But what the heck, I find it great on its own.
BTW, in the 60's and 70's the milk from my father's dairy farm (in Turlock) went to the Petaluma Coop/Clover Dairy.
Great image Rags!
I'm a sucker for abstracts and this is a real good one.
I think this is super cool and works well. Fire definitely sends the message. A nice big print would give a splash of bold in a room! Very, very nice!!!!
This is wonderful!
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Nice color and good abstract, Rags.
Thank you everybody for your kind words...
Sara, Clover is still in business; my bride buys their milk...
I might take a tear of their container to identify the buildings....
Thank again..
Exceptional Rags!
Thanks 'bum... much appreciated...