Dgrin Mini-Challenge #270 - Long Exposure - Silky Waters - RESULTS

This has been an especially hard mini to judge. So many great entries and the fear of being too subjective has caused angst over this one ! Thank you all for such great shots depicting silky waters. So here's my take and the results:
@JAG Joyce - Ape Exhibit. I love the clarity of the rocks and leaves with the silky waterfall. Simple, and beautiful. The colors caught my eye immediately.
@slpollett Sherry - Smith Creek at Anna Ruby Falls - The simple combination of rock. light, and silky waters make for a beautiful capture - with the added interest of lichen.
@grandmaR GrandmaR - Vernal Falls. I'm really liking the mist in your second entry - with the boulders just peeking through (and of course, the small rainbow!)
@mongoose330 **Mongoose **- Beautiful reflections in the smooth waters. Nice light on the boats and the moon light hidden behind the clouds is a plus.
@pegelli Pieter - Silk and Ice. A very unusual shot combining a long exposure with the interesting ice formation. And the ice fish is a plus
@bfluegie Barbara - Diana's Bath. All three of your entries were beautiful silky captures. My leaning towards rock and water shots is so satisfied with your entries . This one stands out over the other two. Great light, composition, water silk and the color of the leaves in the background make for a wonderful photo. (and more lichen!)
@lkbart Lillian - Purchase Knob Hike. This shot shows smoother water over some very interesting rock formations - with beautiful greens.
@sarasphotos Sara - fountain in Bordeaux, France. I love the curtain effect of the water in front of the statue. And the interesting small splashes of water scattered throughout the curtain.
OK - time for the hardest part of my day - the results.
3 - Sara's fountain in Bordeaux.
2 - Barbara's Diana's Bath.
1 - Sherry's Smith Creek at Anna Ruby Falls.
Congratulations to everyone for such great entries. And congratulations to Sherry, Barbara and Sara for the stand-outs!
Sherry - it's your turn to run the next mini. Good luck!
Photos: jowest.smugmug.com
Book1: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUBMI1C
Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079V3RX6K
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jo.west.16
Congratulations to the top three - all great examples.
And Jo it is your mini so you can be as subjective as you want!!! You were kind to include the one of mine.
Very Well done , was that a complete team of ladies?
Nicely done Jo! Congrats to all the runner ups and to Sherry ( @slpollett ) for her win! All great entries. Time to see what you can come up with for a theme Sherry.
Congratulations Sherry for the win and Barbara for 2nd. Thanks so much Jo for the 3rd place and for running a good challenge. Feedback is always appreciated.
Great challenge Jo, and wonderful entries from all. I really enjoyed seeing everyone's take on the theme. Bonus: any challenge that features so many shots from Yosemite is aces as far as I'm concerned. Congrats to Sherry for the first place finish. I really liked the play of light across the rocks and the water flowing in different directions, converging on the rock and then flowing away. All in all a beautiful shot. And congrats Sara for your third place finish. The fountain shot is different and the silky water makes for a very poignant image. Oh, and thank you Jo for selecting my photo for second place. I don't place often so I enjoy the times I do.
Congrats to Sherry for the win, beautiful silky water! And congrats to the runners up! All 3 were great shots! Love the colors and silkiness in Barbara's shot, and that fountain shot of Sara's is so unique and cool - very well captured!
And thanks to Jo for the great commentary - wonderful challenge!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Wowza! Thank you so much for the kind words and for choosing my photo as the winner. I just came back from vacation to this, so...very cool!!
I'm not sure I can think of a theme that will be as interesting as the recent ones have been, but will try to get this done within a day or so.
Congrats to Barbara and Sara for placing 2nd and 3rd. Thanks again to Jo for another great mini and also for the great comments. Much appreciated!
Sherry P..
Thanks for such a great mini and all the detailed comments. That makes participation very enjoyable.
Congrats to Sherry for a great win, well deserved. Also congrats to Barbara and Sara, also very worthy shots in the strong set everybody posted.
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