Lightroom Plug-In --> "Processing Updated PUblish Criteria for SmugMug:"
I have no idea what I hit, but for about 10 minutes now, I have had a dialog box up in Lightroom CC. Across the top of the dialog box, it says, "Processing Updated Publish Criteria for SmugMug: Sara Rogers Photography" and there is a bar that shows progress, and it fills up, and starts over. And over. And over and over. It takes about two seconds per fill. But I can't cancel out. When I shut down Lightroom and re-open it, it starts up again, and I can't do ANYTHING else with it. ??? Does anyone know what I did? What is happening? How I can make it stop?
Update... I did an 'End Task' via ctl+atl+Del, and then shut down the whole computer. Turned computer on, re-opened Lightroom, and ta-da! Process started again!
I shut it down, because I have a fear that it is perhaps removing photos... I'm researching, and I'll post what I find in case someone else does this.
I got it to stop!
While Lightroom wasn't open (after doing an End Task), I uninstalled the Lightroom plugin to SmugMug. I follwed this path C: \ Users \ [your username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Adobe \ Lightroom \ Modules and then deleted everything in that folder.
Lightroom still opened, and all my images seemed to be present in my catalog, and seem to still be on the SmugMug site. So, my (albeit) crude way of stopping it worked, if that helps anyone else!