Low-light love

I'm constantly learning to push my gear to it's usable limits, especially in low-light or high dynamic range scenarios. Not long ago I purchased a Sony a7r III, and I am constantly blown away at this camera's abilities!
This image, straight out of the camera (save for the watermark), was captured at ISO 32,000....a number my Canon 7d mk II doesn't even have. 32,000 is the native ISO cap on the Sony cam, but it expands all the way to 104,200, which I've used to capture video of stars. It's crazy what technology has unlocked for us, and to think that it's continually improving is blowing my mind.
It's amazing and sometimes daunting. Maybe in a few years out best work will look like stone-age photography.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
It is amazing... so when are you going to invite us over?
Come on over, we'll knock back a beer or two!
Wow no noise at that ISO.....crazy. Whatever you did, doesn't work normally it would be grainy as crap. Second why was such high ISO needed? No tripod?
No tripod, just walking around the house testing out high ISO functionality on the new Sony cam. Really had zero reason to shoot so high, just wanted to see how it would come out. Since this photo was taken, I've been shooting more high ISO out of necessity with work projects, especially with video. Because I shoot a lot of high end real estate, there are often low-light areas that require ISO 64,000 to get the proper shutter & aperture settings for the scene.
Additionally, I shot a sunset wedding & reception, with no flash the entire time, and was shocked at how clean everything came out! I'll post up some more low-light pics later this afternoon to compare.
Awesome! Lets see them! Cheers JBR!
Here's one from the reception, shot @ ISO 8,000 with no flash.
That is just an incredible capture! Bravo JBR!
Mahalo, Taz!
JonaBeth Russell - If i might make a small comment . You mention straight out the camera like its the ultimate .. Even with film camera they would Edit by Dodging and Burning , so slight photo manipulation was and will; always be there , its also why you camera has Manual or Program mode , to allow you to control the camera and take photos how you want to , and afterwards , you need to get into the process of ALWAYS opening the photo in an editor and just tweak here and there while you scan the photo for artifacts or blemishes..
Editing your photos is not a sin , its an essential skill , the skill comes in to play when you can subtly manipulate a photo and it doesn't look like its been worked on..
Photo Purism is contagious and leads to things like having no friends or likes on facebook , getting ignored on instagram and constantly harassed my Linkn to join their net work ( Worse than Readers digest in the old days when you found yourself on their mailing list.
Use every tool you have to enhance your photos , remember when its hanging on a wall , Framed and looking spectacular , no one ever asks you if you used Light Room , or Photoshop
If I may....I think that JBR point was the fact that the SONY has an impressive sensor at high ISO and not that no editing is needed. Having a FUNCTIONAL value of ISO 32000 allows you to take pictures that other cameras cannot and that no amount of editing will give you the same results.....my 2 and 1/2 cents.
Very impressive quality for such a high ISO, straight from the camera.
As for coming over, I have another project starting up in the early spring, down in the Maluaka area. So, I may have to make another trip to the island.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!