Hide image description from Lightbox
Hello everyone,
I would like to hide the image description in the lightbox (from all my images). Is that possible? Will it affect SEO?
Thank you so much.
My website: www.danielsantosphoto.com
Daniel Santos
Hello everyone,
I would like to hide the image description in the lightbox (from all my images). Is that possible? Will it affect SEO?
Thank you so much.
My website: www.danielsantosphoto.com
Daniel Santos
Add this to your theme's custom CSS:
Google likes text. With that said, I personally think the lightbox images isn't going to affect your SEO good or bad.
Images in the Backcountry
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Hi Mike and Daniel, as far as I know from SM support, hiding title/caption/keywords from the lightbox will also affect, negatively, SEO.
The only reason I keep caption (which corresponds to Alt text, important for images) and keywords in the lightbox.
Personally, I hope that in the new lightbox version you can have the possibility to insert Alt text in a separate box (apart from the caption box) without having to be displayed. Also because captions are texts written to be read, while Alt text is structured differently.
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There are no plans to offer the option to customize the
text at this time. We can keep it in mind as a feature request though!Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Ok, thank you Aaron. Is there a request already, or do I have to insert it in the appropriate section?
wedding and portrait photographer in italy | facebook | instagram
Thank you everyone for the help! I will contact SM support and see what they say