Gallery Settings - Maximum Image Size

When I initially began creating my site, I ignored the 'Maximum Image Size' in Gallery settings under the Photo Protection option. I figured I'd come back to that later when I had sufficient images uploaded and had something of a grasp of how they'd be displayed.
But now I've gone back and started defining a value for each gallery.....using the '.7mpix(XL)' setting. The problem seems images uploaded prior to setting that value aren't obeying the new value. They seem to retain the original value that existed in that setting at the time they were uploaded.
The attached screen caps illustrate the issue. There is a screen cap from the Gallery Settings in Organizer and one each from a recently uploaded image and a second from an image uploaded prior to the change. And the latter has values available it shouldn't based on the new setting.
It's not a browser refresh issue. I keep a second browser running to test things the way a visitor would see things and frequently dump the browser cache of that one to insure it picks up the latest settings.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
It's hard to say definitively without a link to a specific gallery but I suspect you're referring to galleries that either contain collected photos or are smart. In both cases, photos will inherit the security settings of their original/source gallery. So if the maximum display size is set to X3L in the source gallery, this will apply in the smart/collected gallery, too.
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That was it. I have one 'all images' gallery that exists simply to store all images. And then a bunch of 'smart galleries' to actually display images in keyword based galleries.
As you guessed, I'd updated the setting on the individual smart galleries, but hadn't done so on the main 'all images' gallery.
Thanks a bunch!