'Custom URL' Question

Something just occurred to me....
- As I'm in the process of building my SM site, I am currently using the default http://mynickname.smugmug.com URL for the site.
- Eventually, when I'm ready to take the site live, I will configure to point to my custom domain... http://mySiteName.com.
- Thus far, whenever I need to add a 'Custom URL', I've used the format http://mynickname.smugmug.com/customURL.
I'm building a navigation menu to add to the footer area for 'Entire Site'. The links in that menu all utilize a Custom URL based on a keyword. For example, one menu item may be a link to all images with the keyword 'lighthouse'. So, I'm entering the link in the menu configuration as a Custom URL in the format http://mynickname.smugmug.com/keyword/lighthouse .
For now that all works just honky dorry. But I'm wondering what transpires when I move to using my personal domain. Technically, I believe the Custom URL would then be http://mydomain.com/keyword/lighthouse .
What I'm wondering is whether I will need to manually modify each link when the time comes I make the switch to my own domain, or will SM somehow still follow the originally created links.
Thanks for any input!
When you use a add a Custom URL, you should just use relative links, if all of the pages are within your SmugMug website. As an example of a relative link would be
. It will work if your usinghttps://mynickname.smugmug.com
.Images in the Backcountry
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Excellent! I've used relative links with WordPress in the past, but hadn't seen any mention of them being available in SM.