Mac Laptop Help! Please?
Here is the deal. I have been planning to get a LT but it was going to be an Win, long story. Anyway, yesterday as I was loading some Whosit (Don) shots to the Mac, HE said: " You know I need to learn how to operate this
stuff so if you croak there won't be all this equipment I can't use."
:jawdropYea that was my reaction. Worse he thought he was going to learn on MY computer "do I wear your underware? No? Ok you don't use my computer."
This is a guy that is only allowed to touch the on /off botton on the TV remote, LT HAS to be a Mac. What can I get by with?
He will have PS Elements and that is it, might want to do some minor web surfing so don't need a powerhouse.
stuff so if you croak there won't be all this equipment I can't use."
:jawdropYea that was my reaction. Worse he thought he was going to learn on MY computer "do I wear your underware? No? Ok you don't use my computer."
This is a guy that is only allowed to touch the on /off botton on the TV remote, LT HAS to be a Mac. What can I get by with?
He will have PS Elements and that is it, might want to do some minor web surfing so don't need a powerhouse.
Probably a 12" iBook, no? About $1100 with a gig of RAM or thereabouts?
I'll be selling my 15" Powerbook in about one month - maybe less - and it will be going for a super price as always. It's 3 months old. It's going to be more expensive though....
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I am not in any real hurry on this, I'm still getting over the shock! Real bonus would be finding somewhere to send him to learn out to use it..I will pay rent
Let me help: beginning, middle, end. Usually helps. Oh, and a little context for those of us who don't know the intimate details of your life.
But dang, Thusie, you're funny. I might not understand, but you're funny.
Any G4 with a 1ghz processor of faster should be fine. Used, new, refurbished. After that, it's all personal preference. Like is a 12" iBook gonna be big enough? The 14", BTW doesn't give you any more real estate on the screen, it's the same resolution. Just bigger.
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Hum..Ok hows this..Don doesn't know how to turn on a PC ,never wanted to know, couldn't care less. Don has no clue about the TV remote as long as it turns ON the TV he is happy, forget the DVD player. Don CAN operate a microwave and turn on the stereo, manually (the stereo not the microwave). He hates phones, but thinks caller ID is cool. That said; he is quite intelligent if it suits him, if not, it's background noise. So that is the reason when he said 'oh yea want to play on the Mac' I freaked.
And because of the 'can't follow explanation' bit above I will never let Don see this post:D
My wife is the same. I say, "Click on your desktop". She says, "Where?" I say, "Go to your Dock". She says, "What's that?" She's been using our mac for...oh...mebbe 7 years. Don't know how many times I've explained this stuff.
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Oh dear, 25 years of a pretty darn happy marriage tanked over a computer, us not you. Maybe we ought to schlep them together for a day, that would be fun to watch/listen.
I think a 14" might be better on size alone. So while this thread might seem extreme I am dead serious. I don't like anyone, even people who know how to use a computer, messing with mine. My car, my computer are MINE and that isn't negotiable:):
Off to see what is out there in Mac LT world.