CSS Flow down again
Been trying without success to hide the header section for all folders and galleries within and including a folder with the following site-wide CSS >
/* Hide theHeader for all folders and galleries within the Family Archive Section */
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-parentnode-qGtjpT .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
It works when .sm-page-layout-region-header { display: none ; } is added to folder specific CSS.
The URL for the top level page in question ends with cLtNnt
/* Hide theHeader for all folders and galleries within the Family Archive Section */
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-parentnode-qGtjpT .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
It works when .sm-page-layout-region-header { display: none ; } is added to folder specific CSS.
The URL for the top level page in question ends with cLtNnt
If .sm-page-node-cLtNnt is the top folder
.sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
.sm-parentnode-cLtNnt would be the flow down from that folder.
.sm-parentnode-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
I would also add in CSS so you see it all when logged in for maintenance purposes.
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All of these are in the same class group so no space is needed between them in the logged in version.
.sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
.sm-user-loggedin.sm-user-owner.sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header ... {
display: block;
.sm-parentnode-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none ;
.sm-user-loggedin.sm-user-owner.sm-parentnode-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header ... {
display: block;
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Copy the CSS you used and paste in here.
Where did you put the CSS?
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I just used this on my site and it worked. Was missing "page" in this sm-parentnode-cLtNnt.
Corrected CSS with "page" inserted.
/* Hide theHeader for the Family Archive Section top folder*/
.sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none;}
/* Hide all children under the Family Archive Section top folder*/
.sm-page-parentnode-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {
display: none;}
/* UnHide theHeader for the Family Archive Section top folder*/
.sm-user-loggedin.sm-user-owner.sm-page-node-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {display: block;}
/* UnHide all children under the Family Archive Section top folder*/
.sm-user-loggedin.sm-user-owner.sm-page-parentnode-cLtNnt .sm-page-layout-region-header {display: block;}
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A few things I can think of.
Did you put it at the bottom of the 'Entire Site' CSS? Order is very important in case it has to override something.
Are you sure you have the correct sm-page-node-??????? for that one folder?
Try adding !important to each.
display: none !important;
display: block !important;
The folder is not set to "Hide Owner".
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Yes is is at the bottom, yes I have added !Important
I presume the node is correct as it is the the last part of the public URL and the body tab shows as follows >
body class="sm-user-professional sm-page sm-page-node sm-page-node-cLtNnT sm-page-parentnode-qGtjpT"
Hey Pattoshop,
This will not work with UNLISTED galleries - this is mainly for security reasons. You can use CSS flow down customization only on PUBLIC galleries. We have mentioned this in this post: https://dgrin.com/discussion/comment/1976654/#Comment_1976654
Made it public - but still doesn't work.
I have no idea where you got this but I have six UNLISTED galleries in this flow down CSS from
my top bird folder/category and it works find. Specifically, I change the banner widget background.
BTW, All my family galleries are passworded and flow down works there also.
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Hey Allen my statement applies to galleries that are in UNLISTED nodes. So if you have an UNLISTED folder and you have a gallery in this unlisted folder - CSS FLOW will not work.
What I thought might have been flowdown working was just page specific CSS. Deleted all page specific CSS and stuff like this dowsn't work on a LISTED folder
/* Hide theHeader for the Family Archive Section top folder*/
.sm-page-node-cLtNnT .sm-page-layout-region-header .sm-page-parentnode-cLtNnT .sm-page-layout-region-header{
display: none !Important;
…or I should have said - it only works on the top folder - there is no flow-down
You are missing a comma in this.
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Yes - I think that fixed it - yet to fully test - initial signs are good! Thanks