Smugmug Scheduled maintenance

Hey guys,
Just noticed as of writing (Dec 11th - 22:50 PST) that Smugmug is down for some maintenance, so naturally things are running a little slowly for a while.
Checking out my site at the moment, I noticed that many elements either fail to load or give an error. For example, my sites logo doesn't load, many thumbnails for images, and images in lightbox do not load, and the checkout cart provides an error when trying to buy a photo. Besides that, the site is extremely slow to load pages.
This is all understandable behavior during maintenance, and perfectly fine, but might I suggest that a small text banner be automatically added to our sites during these times, so that visitors are aware that the website behavior is only temporary, and that things such as purchases may be unavailable.
I’m not opposed to something like that — I’ll pass along to the ops team. Fortunately we don’t typically have maintenance like tonight in which image loading is impacted but on the rare occasions that things aren’t quite as we’d expect, some kind of messaging might be nice.
Thanks, as well, for being understanding!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Cheers Aaron!
No problem at all.
In the meantime, I'll subscribe to the status updates, so I'll get the heads up in advance.
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