Title, Caption is being ignored while uploading
Hello Team,
I have set title, caption & keywords to my photos in my local hard drive and it can be visible when viewing Property of a particular image file BUT when i'm uploading the same image file to SmugMug via API or Directly through website here is what happening:
-Title is set NULL (my image file has the title).
-The content (which i have set in the image file against Title property) of Title is setting as Caption on SmugMug (SmugMug treating Title text as caption after upload).
-Actual Caption/Comments of image file is fully ignored by SmugMug after upload.
-Keywords are working fine and remain intact.
For your reference i'm attaching a image file with Title, Caption/Comment, Keyword set.
Thanks much for your help.
PhotoTeleport: open source, multi platform photo uploader.