Show Video AND Photos on Homepage?
Hi All - I'm redesigning my site: For my homepage, I have selected photos for the background (individual pics, not slideshow). I would love to show pics on each refresh or a video that will auto-play. Is it possible? I even tried to browse to the gallery where my video was, but it said nothing was available.
If you're using background to show the content on your homepage you will need to choose from photos or a video, I don't believe you can select both.
If you are using a content block to place content on your homepage I don't see one that would allow you to mix photos and videos in the same place.
Musings & ramblings at
What if I change the homepage to run as a slide show?
Slideshows contain photos, not videos.
Musings & ramblings at
Okay, thanks for the FYI. Hopefully this one makes it into feature requests for the future. Dare to dream :-)