Mobile Devices: Can I set the homepage image as a link to galleries?
Hello all - On a mobile device, one has to click on the menu at the to begin site navigation. Is it possible to also set the home picture as a link to my main gallery page? I think a lot of people will instinctively click on the photo on the homepage. Thanks!
The background slideshow is not clickable, but you could consider adding a button content block on your homepage and set that to go to the page of your choosing. It's in the navigation section of the content tab.
SmugMug Support Hero
I did this by adding an HTML block and using HTML tags to make the image clickable. In my case, the "block" is the banner on the page, but i wanted parts of it to click into different parts of my site.
In this case, you could add an HTML block and something like (note, I added spaces in front of "<" to show the code, you need to delete those)
< a href="http://[YOUR CLICK-TO ADDRESS]">< img src="" alt="image">
Note this IMG SRC tag points to the smugmug location of the image i want..
Hope that helps. I'm currently trapped in CSS hell on my site banners... It stinks