Water drops. Rev2

The continuing saga of water drops. This object continues to get my attention, as I walk between the office and shop. As before, captured with and processed in the cell phone.
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going anyway.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I like this one a lot - I think because of the combination of big drops and what looks like paths of droplets.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I like this one also. There is a structured randomness to it.
Stunning! Wow! Print big! Cheers Phil!
Nice attention grabbing work.
Thanks Denise, everytime it rains or the wind blows, it has new patterns.
Thanks, "structured randomness" a good way of describing it.
Thanks, Taz. a good suggestions, I just have to find a bare wall!
Thanks Tom, appreciate you taking time to view and comment.
As much as I have been working the cell phone has been my main camera this past year. I am determined to get back to some serious photography. To that end, my company goes on the market next week, and when I retire, for the 4th time, I'm going to make it stick!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Beautiful, would like to see other tone renderings!
Thanks Cristóbal, here another version, flipped vertical.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Cool. Was the original orientation vertical or horizontal?
The top image is the original, with added contrast. The second image was processed with added contrast, some saturation, and temp reduction. It was then converted to a negative, and flipped vertical.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
I think the original orientation is more natural, maybe with the drops flowing downwards. In any case, I love the second pp work!
Thanks for your input.
When I converted this version to a negative, I saw something else. It looked to me as it could be bubbles rising, or more abstract, maybe balloons.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
True, I see the balloons now, I love the tones and overall treatment.
I like both versions @roaddog52, both concept and execution. I've never done phone editing... Can I ask what app you used? Photos maybe? I just got an iPhone XS, and I'm starting to get interested
Thanks. I'm not certain what the editing package is, it came loaded on my Samsung S6, nothing special.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
The vertical one looks like a lot of jellyfish floating in the ocean—clever treatment. I really like the original shot for all the reasons stated. Print large!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks Lauren, I appreciate your comment.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!