Proof Delay doesn't always work

Hey guys,
I've had this happen now on numerous occasions with my orders, that I think its worth bringing up. By numerous, I mean 50% of the time this happens!
I have all my galleries set to proof delay by 24hrs. The scenario that keeps occuring, is that I'll recieve an e-mail confirmation of an order "[SmugMug] PROOF Pro Order #XXXXXXXX".
The e-mail says click 'here' to view details online, so I click and that takes me to my Sales History page. Theres the new order listed at the top, but without having accepted or clicked anything, the order is "Processing and Printing".
What gives? All orders where this has happened I have viewed well within the 24hr timeframe provided to review and accept.
And if there is an issue with the order that needs fixing (e.g. cropping, image replacement) who am i to contact? smugmug or bayphoto?
Hey Shinrya,
As per my reply to your support ticket - some orders are flagged for our fraud prevention team to check it before it gets submitted. Usually our fraud team is able to check the order within few hours from placing the order. Once our team has reviewed the order - the order gets released and put back in PROOF DELAY.
Hey Tom,
Thanks for responding to my e-mail so quickly.
Would you like me to delete this post, or keep it up as info for anyone else who may have experienced this?
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