I've been playing with a new 200-500 lens, here is a rough collage of bird pics, so far I'm very happy with it.
I've been playing with a new 200-500 lens, here is a rough collage of bird pics, so far I'm very happy with it.
Very nice set. Lovely variety of birds.
Nice work, Cristóbal. Who makes the lens you're using and does the sharpness of that lens stand up to a large blow-up of the image?
Indeed a beautiful collection! Must have taken a lot of patience to get all this little chirpers in front of your lens. Did you take all of those pictures in Brazil?
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Hi Tom,
I got a Nikon 200-500, I think it is pretty sharp, loving it so far, what do you think?
Thanks. Yes, they are all in or around Brasilia.
Looks like a good lens! The hummingbird shot is wonderful, love the detail in the feathers.
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Sweet set!
I'd say that this lens is a keeper. The success of any lens, however, lies in the hands of who is using it. This lens couldn't be in better hands. You're going to have a lot of fun with it.
Good set, Cristóbal.
Good lens for wildlife.
Thanks guys!
I would do loads more bird photography , unfortunately I damaged my 200ml Lens
Now how about all those birds in Flight ,,
Great set! That is a nice lens, looks like the photographer uses it to the best advantage.
I look forward to the day I retire (again, 4th time) and have the time to get back into some serious photography.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
That's the next step with this monster lens...
Very nice collection, Cristobal. That hummingbird shot is wonderful! I am very jealous of your new lens. If you get tired of it, send it my way and it will find a nice home on another Nikon!
Can't wait to see more of your great work with this new toy!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks Lauren, good to see you back around!