Encoding problems - any solution coming?
I've just started using this excellent service. But when I upload photos Swedish characters in the keywords are removed when displaying the photo, so that Växjö becomes Vxj. The thing is that when I edit the keyword in Smugmug the Swedish characters are there. But when the keywords are displayed they are removed....
I've read that this has been discussed before and other users have had similar problems.
My question is, is there a solution to this around the corner? Or is there a way around it? Apparently the Swedish characters are uploaded correctly, but not displayed correctly.
Thanks a lot!
I've just started using this excellent service. But when I upload photos Swedish characters in the keywords are removed when displaying the photo, so that Växjö becomes Vxj. The thing is that when I edit the keyword in Smugmug the Swedish characters are there. But when the keywords are displayed they are removed....
I've read that this has been discussed before and other users have had similar problems.
My question is, is there a solution to this around the corner? Or is there a way around it? Apparently the Swedish characters are uploaded correctly, but not displayed correctly.
Thanks a lot!
It seems to an IE thing - I can make the caption take the characters in IE, but not the gallery title. I can make the Gallery title take the word Växjö in FF, no problem. I'll ask if there's a setting for IE to fix this
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Actually, I use FF. The caption works fine with Swedish characters, both when I upload a photo with a caption and if I edit the caption in SmugMug. But the keywords aren't displaying correctly, even though they display correctly when I click "Edit" for the keywords in question.
Is that then specific to keywords only?
I now tried in IE also, but it's the same thing there. So it doesn't seem to be browser related.
All the best,
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Cool. Thanks! So that means I can still upload photos with "Växjö" as a keyword? As apparently the characters are there when I edit the keyword.