Thank you all for commenting. It was a good outing in both the woods and the shore but icy everywhere, not just sea ice but freshwater ice from runoff on the beach and trail flooding, enough that I wore crampons for the entire walk. But the light was luscious.
Deer Isle is on my list. We have a home in Boothbay so I will be doing a lot more exploring in the future. My neighbors are keeping an eye on the house as the storm is expected to drop almost 2 feet of snow! Come on down to Texas if you need to warm up!
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)
Love that second image!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thank you David
First is a knockout... perfect asymmetrical composition
Good work
I like them all, especially no 1.
Hace mucho frio
Thank you all for commenting. It was a good outing in both the woods and the shore but icy everywhere, not just sea ice but freshwater ice from runoff on the beach and trail flooding, enough that I wore crampons for the entire walk. But the light was luscious.
My favorite is #2, but I like the sunstar in the first image. Nicely done! Where is this? I am home in Texas, wishing I were at home in Maine.
Lauren Blackwell
This is Brooklin, Maine on the Deer Isle Peninsula. We're about to get our first serious winter storm. Texas sounds warm and comfy to me.
Deer Isle is on my list. We have a home in Boothbay so I will be doing a lot more exploring in the future. My neighbors are keeping an eye on the house as the storm is expected to drop almost 2 feet of snow! Come on down to Texas if you need to warm up!
Lauren Blackwell