Adding a text/story below each gallery or folder?
I'd like to add some text of sentences or paragraphs describing what the gallery is or folder of galleries. I looked to add a Text cconent block, but it seems to only be for all galleries on my site. I can't write something up for just one gallery. Ideally I'd like to put the description below the gallery, or at worst, above right below the cover photo. I don't want to covert every gallery to a custom gallery if at all possible. This causes more problems for me.
Have you considered using the gallery description for galleries?
If you want a description on a folder you will need to drag in a text content block.
Musings & ramblings at
That kind of does it. But it adds the text on-top of my gallery cover photo. This makes it hard to read and looks like something is broken. I was hoping to get the text at the bottom of the gallery. Or maybe right below the cover with some space and above the photos.
If you want the text below the gallery you will need to place a text block on the page.
Try sliding the gallery cover photo up or down to improve the readability. Or change the cover photo.
Musings & ramblings at