Lanzarote in Summer 2017

In Summer 2017, my girlfriend and I head over to Lanzarote for a one week beach and sightseeing trip. She couldn't know, what is waiting for her.
We had our hotel in Costa Teguise directly on the beach. It is awesome to sleep with an open window and hear the sound of the ocean.
On the first evening, I took this picture from the Beach of Costa Teguise where I had a walk with my girlfriend:
A few steps further we found a small pier with lots of stones and only after the second view, we saw the black cats between the stones. The longer we looked at the stones the more cats we saw. (Spoiler: Just minutes after I took this picture I asked her if she would marry me):
As Lanzarote is created through vulcanos there is lot evidence of that. Especially the black stones with the waves in the background created a great atmosphere. My wife and I took the time to enjoy the couple time and the beautiful sky.
Every evening on Lanzarote, my wife and I did a walk along the Atlantic and we enjoyed the time together, the time alone on the beach and time moment itself. It was one of my best holidays.
We could sit next to each other the whole evening, looking at the ocean and making plans for our future.
Most of those plans are already true. And we are working hard on the rest.
During that time, I took the chance to make a lot, and I really mean a lot, pictures of those Atlantic waves. hope you enjoy them.
We remember those moments when looking at them (I post just one as an example):
As already spoilered, I asked my future wife the one question, you asked only once in your life.
Luckily, she said yes. And today, she is my wife for more than 4 months.
And to be honest, it is getting better every day...
Because we are so happy about our engagement we did some engagement pictures as well:
We could enjoy our couple time and we had the chance to see a wonderful sunset every evening. During this time, we were always at the beach. The picture is showing one of those sunsets.
I like the mystic fog of the waves between the rocks and the shimmer on the wet rocks:
We took this picture on the coast of Costa Teguise during a wonderful evening. And even if the stars are not visible yet, my evening star is right in front of me.
It was such a wonderful day behind us, and what a wonderful life ahead. She is looking to the horizon, where our future lies:
What a picture. I took this one in the Cueva de los Verdes. When you arrive at the cave, it is just a hole in the ground. But as soon as you enter the cave you are caught by the beauty of the dark world below the ground.
The Cueva de los Verdes was being formed by a huge volcanic eruption, more than 3000 years ago. On every step in the cave, you can feel the power of this event. And you can also see it
This picture is from within the Cave Cueva de los Verdes as well. Yes, it is in the cave and there is life as well. It's on the way to the exit of the cave and one of the places, where the sun gets into the cave. And that's the reason, why you can find those big flowers as well.
Walking through the dark the whole time and seeing the light through the big leaves is an extremely intense moment. Don't miss this while visiting the cave:
After we have visited the cave Cueva de los Verdes we were just driving over the island. We discovered a way through the mountains to go to a beach on the other side of the island. While driving through the mountains we found a small picnic spot next to the street. We took some couple picture because of the amazing outlook. Here is the outlook without me, staying in the picture:
After a dangerous downhill track with our car on a track, I would only use with my mountain bike we reached the famous beach of Playa de Famera. First, we thought it is a normal beach, but after we reached the water line we saw the beauty of the beach.
You could go in the warm water and far in the ocean, as the beach is very smooth. It is a wonderful place to visit to get a fantastic beach view:
From the Playa de Famera we were going to the east side of the island. We were driving through a landscape like a dessert. In the background Mountains and Vulcanos. And the road was just straight. If you are from other parts in the world, where roads are always twisting, this is really amazing, to have a road until the horizon.
We did a stop to take this picture and as there were very few cars on the road it was quite easy. But always remember. Take this kind of pictures always with a partner, who is looking at the traffic, as you are concentrated on taking pictures:
After a long evening and a short night, I was up early in the morning, while my wife was still sleeping. I went down to the beach. I found a place with some black stones and small tide pools. The weather was not perfect, but the morning has come and I could make some awesome pictures.
This place was directly below our hotel room, so we could hear the sound of the sea the whole night. It is wonderful if you like to sleep, but not for staying up early to make some pictures:
My wife and I found a place near the breakers and enjoyed the sunset together. And of course, I took pictures. After we sit there for a while, the whole sky turns orange and the clouds started to glow. It was just a wonderful moment together with my soulmate.
Moments like this you will never forget, because of the people around you and because of an empty battery:
I hope you enjoy the pictures as we do.
Feedback is welcome.
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