Luxury Architecture

Aloha friends,
Today I wanted to share some recent work from a luxury architecture shoot, right here on the beautiful island of Maui! This particular property was listed for sale at the cool price of $7.5M, and it sold in less than a week of the photoshoot.
Creating media for these types of listings is an ever-growing production process, continually pushing my abilities and willingness to improve. When I first started shooting properties, I was in condos & small homes with a speed light atop my crop-sensor dslr. It worked great and led to bigger opportunities. Fastforward a few years, and now I'm setting up handfuls of radio trigger speed lights with all manner of diffusing and reflecting methods, shooting on a 42MP full-frame camera. I'm flying drones all over, through, and around the place, creating 4k cinematic videos, 3D models....the list seems much bigger than my own imaginings of years past. I am truly grateful for every opportunity to experience a day in a home that would otherwise be completely inaccessible to me.
About the shots -
The interior images are all single exposures, using a Sony a7r3, Sony GM glass, and a handful of radio speed lights in varying locations. The images on the television screens are my own, placed on the blank screen in post, so that I can properly blend with the natural glare on the surface. Outside of that, there's no photo trickery happening, just playing with lights.
Exterior aerial is shot on a small prosumer grade drone, single exposure, manually shot for motion blur in the waterfall on the right, and worked in Lightroom. The drone has a telephoto zoom lens (24-48mm equiv), which offers a decent amount of compression at full zoom...perfect for creating a better sense of shallow DoF. Plus it keeps the mountain in the background tall and makes for great parallax effect in video movements.
BONUS: If you'd like to see the video, click the link below. Best viewed in 4k with premium sound.
Mahalo for taking the time, I'm excited to post more luxury architecture shots soon. Feel free to leave any feedback, all is welcomed as knowledge shared. Enjoy!
Nice job! Also, excellent choice of accompanying music.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Holy cow, that's some terrific work right there, Jona!!
Link to my Smugmug site
Incredible work! Bravo JBR!
I agree, outstanding!
More strong testament to your tremendous growth as a photographer. I enjoy following your work.
You all have been such a fabulous support group, always coaching, always building one another up. I appreciate everyone of you, and the fact that you even took the time to look at my work. Big Mahalos to you all!
I just saw this. It's very impressive work! It's not a bad looking house, either.
You just sold this one to me! Now who's giving me the US$ 7.5M?
I agree with the above opinions, technically superb pictures and a very emotional video you did there. I think they hired just the right guy for advertising such a high priced object.
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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