Guilin (China)
The word Guilin inevitably transcend our mind to associate with the overflowing belt of bizarre mountains which are magically rounded at the top. These incredible limestone rock formations are actually found in the outskirt of Guilin. Yangshuo is one of the popular location to soak up the majestic sight, and provides inspiration for many poets and artists.
Some fishermen and cormorants pictures will be accompanied with this set as cormorant fishing is synonymous with Guilin.
Can you imagine the mountains are your backyard
Shops and some sort of bazaar within the mountainous area
A cool sunrise in Yangshou - The magical mountains with Li River at foreground.
Sunrise in Yangshuo - The magical mountains with Li River snaking through.
Sunset at Yangshou
Fishermen with cormorants as co-partners are a common sight along the Li River
A proud cormorant. Kidding. Description will be a misnomer. These birds can dive to great length and submerge for a long period of time to catch their prey with the hope of self consuming. But the ring encircled the bird’s neck will prevent it from swallowing, and the owner will claim the catch. The enslaved cormorant is destined to work for life for his owner. Poor thing.
A fisherman thumping the water to attract fishes for cormorant an easier catch
At rest
This is another wonderful set.
My favorite of the batch is the magical mountains at sunrise - the light is amazing.
The shot with bird in foreground while still showing background fishing and more birds is a second favorite.
Musings & ramblings at
Beautiful work.
Another outstanding set. Hard to pick a favorite.
FANTASTIC work here. Holy cow, call Nat Geo, and I'm not kidding.
This shot is unbelievable and my favorite.
Link to my Smugmug site
Incredible stuff David...
Stuff of dreams! Truly exceptional! Bravo!!
Tks Denise for your compliments.
Yes indeed, not only the light adds a very nice mood to the picture, the whole atmosphere and scene truly magical and unbelievable right in front of our eyes.
Thanks so much Cornflake and Black Mamba
Hey kdog,
Thanks for such nice words. Hmm, errr.....tks again
Thank you for your appreciation of my works