Getting a Masters in photojournalism or not? Please share knowledge and/or experience.

Basically, I can't decide what my next step in life is going to be. At this point in my life I want nothing more than to travel and go on assignments and tell a story, but the problem is I don't exactly have the experience in writing, although I have a pretty solid wildlife portfolio. I have a bachelor's in wildlife ecology and conservation, I just don't know if I should continue pursuing my career as a wildlife biologist and develop my own photojournalism aspect or if I should just go straight to a masters program. Does anyone have any insight on this? Also does anyone know of organizations that seek people like myself that are willing to go on assignment like
Kyle C. Moon
Portfolio: Moonman.Photography
MoonMan, I can identify with your dilemma. My two cents, for the nothing it's worth, is that a master's program won't help all that much. Good luck.