Life in the Aleutians: Dutch Harbor Eagles, Emperor Geese, Ducks, etc.
So I have a seasonal job working as a fisheries biologist where most my days are spent out in the Bearing Sea, but I had two stellar days of sunlight in Dutch Harbor which permitted me to capture these photos. Quite a few "lifers" for me this trip around. I'll be looking forward to the next time I embark, and if I'm lucky I'll have just enough light to go shoot again before we head back out. If you like these photos check out my Alaska portfolio which also includes some shots from Kodiak from last year in the "Travel" section on my webpage (
Kyle C. Moon
Portfolio: Moonman.Photography
Wow, that's some impressive wildlife shots there. I especially do like numbers 4, 9 and 10. And the non-wildlife shot at 7 does speak to me, too! Thanks for sharing, it's always nice to see some of mother nature's creatures well shot.
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Superb set! Very enjoyable!
Great set!! I like #4
How awesome, and how lucky you are. All great shots, especially #4 and that sinister looking wolf shot.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks! I have quite a few eagle shots on my hard drive especially from the scene from #4. @kdog believe it or not, that is actually a silver fox. There are quite a few like that on the Island of Unalaska. I kind of like them more than the red, but in the snow the red really pops. I'm hoping to find one hunting out here, but that'll have to come with a bit of luck haha
Kyle C. Moon
Portfolio: Moonman.Photography
Good old Dutch - Garden Spot of Alaska!

1. Hard not to miss that steely gaze from the local Bald Eagles, particularly while beamed while atop crab pots..
Awesome images!!
Thank you for showing us a place and its residents that many may never get to or see in person.
Wonderful...thank you!!
El Gato
Fantastic shots Kyle!!!
"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anway" ~ John Wayne
Nice work!
Wow, how'd I miss these images??!!
Such superb pictures of eagles and other creatures.
I love the fox image, and the eagle close up portraits. I, also, love shots of eagles dirty, muddy and working hard which you frequently see in Alaska too.
Let's see some more now, please!
I took a gander at your website and found lots to admire. You have great images of birds, reptiles, turtles. Have you seen the migration of sandhill cranes in Nebraska in the spring or fall?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you @pathfinder ! Unfortunately, I am no longer working in AK, but I live in Bozeman, MT and I'll be getting many opportunities to take pictures in YNP and GTNP. I haven't been very active on here, but I do post most of my stuff to my website and or my Facebook at
To answer your question, I have not been to Nebraska's migration, but I have been to Bosque Del Apache twice in November! That is quite a spectacle to see. I would love to check out Nebraska's migration though! I'd hope to catch some of the whooper's going through.
Kyle C. Moon
Portfolio: Moonman.Photography
Living in Bozeman, you're closer to Kearney Nebraska, than I am, in Indiana. The sandhill crane migration in Bosque is beautiful, but doesn't have 10% of the number of sandhills in spring or fall as in Kearney, Nebraska. When I spoke to the director at Rowe Sanctuary last fall, they had almost two dozen whoopers hanging around also.
I actually got to photograph a pair of whooping cranes at Goose Pond Sanctuary in Indiana a few years ago - something I never expected to see in my lifetime.
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous New Year
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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All are great, but the composition of the emperor geese on number 6 is killer. Enjoy your career as a biologist, I was a terrestrial guy. If I had wrote down every thing I wanted to do when I graduated college I would really have short changed myself. Lived many dreams and hopefully many more as a retired guy
Thank you! That is my favorite geese photo as well =] I am currently working as a wildlife guide which I find even better. I'm trying to travel the world with my camera in hand. Never thought it would shake out this way, but I'm getting there! haha
Kyle C. Moon
Portfolio: Moonman.Photography