Page Template?
Is there a way to make a "template" for new pages? Some mechanism so that I don't have to start from a mostly blank page for every blog entry I want to create?
I've looked around (here and google) but it doesn't seem like there is. Just hoping that my google-fu is bad or that I've overlooked something.
I've looked around (here and google) but it doesn't seem like there is. Just hoping that my google-fu is bad or that I've overlooked something.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
But reading the link you posted it looks like:
1) Suck it up and make your own pages one by one.
2) Post the request for the ability to make template pages (or better yet, a REAL blogging option) in Smugmug in the "Features Request" area.
3) Ask for 3,650+ copies of your blog template page to the "Heroes on the Helpdesk". This way you have enough blank template pages for the next 10 years.
4) Track all other similar requests and advise them to pester "Heroes on the Helpdesk" to request thousands of duplicate template pages so they too can make blogging work through Smugmug.
By the way, how often do item posted in the "Features Request" area actually turn into usable features? Does that happen often? Or is it just a way to make user feel like they're going to get a feature in the future?
Correct, no.
IMO, if you are blogging frequently, I would use a tool designed for that, like WordPress. FWIW, my website is WordPress. I only use SmugMug to power my galleries.
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a featured request implemented like that any time soon.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
I agree with Mike's recommendation. My main site is a SmugMug site but my blog is done with Blogger. Instead of uploading photos to my blog I use HTML to link to the photos on my smug site.
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